Tender Number: ALEX RFP 13/2025
Description: Alexkor Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC) Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture (PSJV) in Alexander Bay, Northern Cape requires a suitable service provider for the provision of physical security services, alarm monitoring and armed response services for Alexander Bay Mine and Muisvlak Mine for a period of 5 years.
Place where services required: Alexkor RMC JV Richtersveld Mining Company (RMC) Joint Venture (JV) 1 Orange Road Alexander Bay - Alexander Bay - Alexander Bay - 8290
Special conditions: none
Date Published: 2024-12-12T00:00:00
Closing Date: 2025-01-31T12:00:00
Contact Person: Khwezi Finini
Contact Email: tenders@alexkor.co.za
Contact Tel: 027-831-8386
Briefing Session
Is there a briefing session: Yes
Is it compulsory: Yes
Briefing Date and Time: 2025-01-17T10:00:00
Briefing Venue: Online, Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 344 110 625 833 Passcode: BF3Y7U83
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