Tender Number: IZIKO-R&E-Lazer Projector 1...
Description: Request For Quotation (RFQ) for 2 normal range laser projectors and 3 Ultra short throw projectors
Place where services required: 25 Queen Victoria Street - Cape Town - Cape Town - 8001
Special conditions: Quotes / Proposals, and accompanying documentation, must be emailed to (SCM) 021 481 3917: ndonson@iziko.org.za and scm@iziko.org.za
Date Published: 2024-12-10T00:00:00
Closing Date: 2025-01-22T11:00:00
Contact Person: Noleen Donson Donson
Contact Email: ndonson@iziko.org.za
Contact Tel: 021-481-3917
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