Tender Number: 2/1/5/2024-25

Category: Supplies: Electrical Equipment
Closing in: 8 Days
Type: Request for Quotation
Region: Free State

Description: Supply and Installation of Air-Conditioners In The Council Chambers at Moqhaka Local Municipality, 66 Hill Street, Kroonstad

Place where services required: 66 Hill Street - Central - Kroonstad - 9499

Special conditions: Payment of the non-refundable fee of R150.00 can be made at the cashiers at the main Municipal Building, Hill Street or directly into the municipal bank account. Proof of payment (Pop) can be submitted to the SCM Offices if EFT payment was made it can be forwarded to the following SCM officials: palesal@moqhaka.gov.za or stephanieb@moqhaka.gov.za after which the complete bid document will be forwarded to the bidder. The bid document can also be collected from the SCM offices, Kroonstad Municipality (Magasyn Building), Cnr 11th & 12th Way, Kroonstad, 9499. Moqhaka Local Municipality Banking Details: Bank: ABSA Bank Kroonstad Account Number: 40-5327-4876 Branch Code: 334536 Bidder Reference: Company Name and RFQ Number

Date Published: 2024-12-03T00:00:00

Closing Date: 2024-12-12T12:00:00


Contact Person: Mr. N Botsane

Contact Email: nketsi@moqhaka.gov.za

Contact Tel: 056-216-9319

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