Tender Number: 07/2024 readvertisement
Place where services required: 22 Louws Avenue - Southern Paarl - Paarl - 7646
Special conditions: All bid documents must be downloaded from Casidra RFQ/Tender portal and cannot be provided by email or in hard copy: https://tenders.casidra.co.za/tender/ap2934-tender-no-7-2024-re-advertisment-baviaans-river-phase-2-construction-of-erosionprotection- structures-in-baviaans-river-genadendal-gr-30-to-gr-40/ There will be a compulsory site meeting, Notice of attendance to be given no later than 12:00 on 5 December 2024 as bid documents will be handed out at the site meeting.
Date Published: 2024-12-02T00:00:00
Closing Date: 2025-01-29T12:00:00
Contact Person: Supply Chain
Contact Email: tender@casidra.co.za
Contact Tel: 021-863-5000
Briefing Session
Is there a briefing session: Yes
Is it compulsory: Yes
Briefing Date and Time:
Briefing Venue: Genadendal Werf (opposite the Genadendal museum) situated in Moravia Street ( GPS Co-ordinates: 34°
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