Tender Number: RFT-14-2024_25
Description: Premium Office Space Rental in Gauteng
Place where services required: Gauteng - Gauteng - Gauteng - 0000
Special conditions: No late bids will be accepted regardless of the method used to send or deliver such documents. The office space rental is needed in Gauteng but the tender documents must be delivered into the Tender Box at: Interfront, 3rd Floor, St. Andrews Building, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West. Tender documents must be in hardcopy marked as “original” and one electronic copy of the original hardcopy file on a memory stick (USB stick), sealed and properly packaged with RFT number and description on it with the bidder’s name on the packaging.
Date Published: 2024-11-14T00:00:00
Closing Date: 2025-01-30T11:00:00
Contact Person: Lynn Solomons
Contact Email: lynn.solomons@interfront.co.za
Contact Tel: 021-840-3400
Briefing Session
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Is it compulsory: NO
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