Tender Number: WCKBG1157ABRBidders

Category: Eskom General Conditions Purchase
Closing in: 13 Days
Type: Eskom Tender Bulletin

Description: Names of Bidders: WCKBG1157ABR - The Once-off Supply and Delivery of Manifold Valves to Koeberg Nuclear Power Station

Place where services required: ESKOM HOLDINGS SOC Ltd Tender Centre Block ā€œEā€ Stores Building Brackenfell Complex Eskom Road Brackenfell 7560 Western Cape, South Africa

Special conditions: All Suppliers

Date Published: 2024-10-14T11:26:10

Closing Date: 2024-10-31T10:00:00


Contact Person: Annemarie Berry

Contact Email: BerryAE@eskom.co.za

Contact Tel: 021-522-3310

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