Tender Number: TENDER: T03 - 2024 / 2025

Category: Telecommunications
Closing in: 30 Days
Type: Request for Bid(Open-Tender)


Place where services required: 02 Van Riebeeck Street - Municipal Buildings - Laingsburg - 6900

Special conditions: This tender is subject to eligibility criteria and bidders must provide proof where required, as specified in the tender document. Non-compliance with the eligibility criteria will render the bidder non-responsive. Only tenders scoring a minimum of 70 out of 100 for functionality will be considered further for evaluation. A non-refundable participation fee of R 700.00 (Seven Hundred Rand) will be applicable. The participation fee must be deposited into the account of the Laingsburg Municipality at Standard Bank, Branch Code 51108, Account Number 203 247 663. The reference number for confirmation of payment is T03-2024/2025 - Company Name.

Date Published: 2024-10-11T00:00:00

Closing Date: 2024-11-15T12:00:00


Contact Person: Realdo Pedro

Contact Email: rpedro@laingsburg.gov.za

Contact Tel: 023-551-1019

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