Tender Number: PR 10353512

Category: Services: Electrical
Closed: -1 Days Ago
Type: Request for Quotation

Description: Test, Access, Service, Refurbish and replace of 2MVA, 33/11KV Distribution Transformers for substations in Western Cape Region

Place where services required: Metrorail, 12 Liesbeeck Parkway, Salt River - Salt River - Cape Town - 7535

Special conditions: There is an compulsory tender briefing for this RFQ on 13 September 2024 at 10h00, there will be an 15 minutes grace period for people to come to the briefing due to traffic, which means the briefing will start at 10h15, the doors will then be locked and no late bidders will be allowed to enter the briefing meeting. Closing date is 25 September 2024 at 12h00 no late submissions will be accepted. Should you have any enquiries with regard to the compulsory briefing please mail me before 13th September 2024 to assist you. Bidders need to have a copy of the briefing attendance form which is Section 7 (page 41-42) that form need to be signed off to indicate you did attend the compulsory tender briefing session

Date Published: 2024-09-06T00:00:00

Closing Date: 2024-09-25T12:00:00


Contact Person: Adriana Hagen

Contact Email: Adriana.hagen@prasa.com

Contact Tel: 021-818-7492

Briefing Session

Is there a briefing session: Yes

Is it compulsory: Yes

Briefing Date and Time: 2024-09-13T10:00:00

Briefing Venue: Metrorail, Rm 163, Infrastructure Building, 12 Liesbeeck Parkway, Salt River

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