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Tender Number: RSR/RFP/HR/OSR/24/06/05
Description: Appointment of a service provider to conduct the Organisational Structure Review for the Railway Safety Regulator
Place where services required: Waterfall Point Building, Cnr Woodmead Drive and Waterfall Drive - WATERFALL CITY - Midrand - 1685
Special conditions: N/A
Date Published: 2024-06-07T00:00:00
Closing Date: 2024-07-01T12:00:00
Contact Person: Goitseone Kgwadibana
Contact Email: goitseonek@rsr.org.za
Contact Tel: 087-284-6666
Briefing Session
Is there a briefing session: Yes
Is it compulsory: Yes
Briefing Date and Time: 2024-06-14T10:00:00
Briefing Venue: MS Teams
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