Tender Number: MPGXC006638R1-Regret letter
Description: Regret Letter for Supply and Delivery of Dry Groceries as an on and when required basis for a period of three (3) years at Kendal Power Station
Place where services required: THE PLACE FOR DELIVERY OF THE TENDER IS THE 24 HOUR ESKOM HOLDINGS SOC LIMITED'S TENDER BOX LOCATED AT: TENDER BOX, GROUND FLOOR NO. 10 SMUTS AVENUE WITBANK / EMALAHLENI MPUMALANGA GPS Co-ordinates: Latitude:25.87723S Longitude:29.21629E https://www.google.com/maps/search/- 25.87367+29.21745/data=!4m4!2m3!3m1!2s- 25.87367+29.21745!4b1
Special conditions: All Suppliers
Date Published: 2023-07-25T12:43:16
Closing Date: 2023-11-24T12:41:00
Contact Person: Isaac Segoatle
Contact Email: Segoati@eskom.co.za
Contact Tel: 017-799-2703
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