New Products

(New) Say Goodbye to Tender Chaos

Struggling with missed deadlines and disorganized tenders? Our upcoming suite of products is designed to streamline your tender management. Join our waitlist to be the first to experience the change.

Get Access to Every Public Contract In SA.

Awarded Tenders: Useful for understanding pricing trends, identifying potential partners, and tracking the performance of specific vendors, among other use cases

Awarded Companies: Track who is winning tenders and what kinds of bids are successful. This information is invaluable for competitive analysis and for identifying potential partners or competitors.

Make Use of AI for Your Tendering Needs

Update: The creators of ChatGPT have recently made their latest model free (with some limitations) for everyone. You can try our GPT bot using this link. We are calling it Bidsstack Tender Finder.

You'll need a free ChatGPT/OpenAI account to try it. There is a signup button on the page.